How many shirts does he need to own?

Question :


English Version:

How many shirts does he need to own?

A money-conscious student likes to wear a clean shirt every day.
He brings his shirts to the laundromat every Monday morning and
picks them up exactly one week later.
How many shirts does the budget-minded student need to own so that
he has a clean shirt to put on every day?
Hindi Version :
एक ब्यक्ति को रोजाना नये धुले हुए शर्ट पहनने की आदत है।
वो हर सोमवार को अपने कपडे धुलवाने के लिए छोड़ता है
और अगले हफ्ते उन्हें वापस लेता है।
आप को ये बताना है कि उसके पास कम से कम कितने शर्ट होने चाहिए?

Answer :

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