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what lives in a tiny house all alone riddle

what lives in a tiny house all alone riddle

Riddle going viral nowadays is what lives in a tiny house all alone riddle.As lot of people are searching an answer for what lives in a tiny house all alone riddle answer ,we are posting it.

Here is what lives in a tiny house all alone riddle :

I have a little house in which I live all alone.

It has no doors or windows,

and if I want to go out I must break through the wall.

What am I ?

Do you think you can give an answer to what lives in a tiny house all alone riddle.

It yes ,please provide your valuable comments for what lives in a tiny house all alone riddle.

Answer : 

chick inside the egg (unborn).

The logical explanation for  what lives in a tiny house all alone riddle is considering an egg shell is the small house of the chick and it lives there alone. Also the shell do not have any windows and doors. So When a chick comes out of the egg ,then the shell must be broked.

Do provide your comments for what lives in a tiny house all alone riddle answer.